Jun 5, 2010

How to review your dragon and Google

It's been an awefully long time since I last logged in in my yahoo account (which is useless, full of spam and filled with boring content) and even then just so they do not delete my account. Anyways, checking mail (53, not one was of any use) was fun, I selected all and deleted all. Then I pointed my browser towards My Yahoo...and there in movies section, found a page about HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON. when Yahoo suggested I rate it in detail, I thought, 'Why not!?'...and then it was that this review was conceived. I copied it from Yahoo, deleted it from Yahoo and logged off from Yahoo (ain't I a troll?!!) and now here I am pasting it on Blogger, and Extending it on Blogger...

The Review:
The Germanic mythology and literature has been the greatest influence on Tolkien (Here we go again (ain't I a troll!??))
And being the trollest Tolkiener alive, I declare HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON an awesome screenplay, an awesome direction, an awesome acting, an awesome video and an awesome music album (Did I miss an awesomely awesome way to behave like a geek??)

Even though the story is a classic love story with those familiar elements of Conflict, Crisis and Resolution which have come to sound pretty lame, mostly because those teen-targeting novels which have flooded the landscape of modern literature, I enjoyed the particularity of protagonist's crisis and his way of resolving it. But I think that the climax was not when Toothless and Hiccup were hit by that oversized-mountain-of-a-dragon's tail....it was when Hiccup's father found out about his not-so-little pet-friend.
And  the classification of dragons was also approaching the real celtic and germanic literature (especially Norse sagas)....to my utmost amusement....
The character of Astrid was a little bit disappointing though. I first thought she would be the one to ignite climax or anticlimax...but she just stood there, filling the scene with a humorous hit, the littlest dragon ride and that so easy-going friendly behavior with Toothless after 56 seconds of ferocity over him(?).
My favorite character was Toothless; magnificent, majestic and free, that "thing never steals food, and never misses a shot!". Intelligent and amusing, yet a proud creature of Sam-like character, courageous and strong in its own way and having a really terrestrial sense of duty towards its master/friend.
And the music!!! Gods of Norsk, Greek and Celtic mythologies!!! The music!! I can't wait for those tunes to be released...
Overall, I rated the movie A...because of Astrid, not-that-great story elements and just because I rate LOTR A+...and that definitely was not LOTR (ain't I a troll!!???)


Sadly, today Google homepage featured Dennis Gabor's 110th birthday.

 Why am I sad about it? Well, screw birthdays, Google...its UN World Environment Day...people are already too mean to Earth to wait a few years (or decades, possibly) to start waking them up. I am also sad because Google has invested in Green Energy and has been promoting it for quiet some time now..but today, they kind of sounded like their priorities are really random (or pseudo-random, to follow abd). I don't have anything against that poor Nobel Laureate, nor am I trying to undermine him (which I am sure I can't do in 100 years, even if I try), I'm just thinking that as a responsible organization, they should at least try celebrating the things in proper order. And frankly, I am not that happy with Alfred Nobel. That dude first makes lots of money blowing up stuff and then at his death bed (correct me if I am wrong (I mean did he ever had any interest in anything like Nobel Prize except in his will (and even if he did, big deal! Thats like a cave-troll coming for Frodo's aid and then stabbing the poor ring-bearer, saying "This is what I am good at, however, when I get back to Minas Morgul, I will start a fundraiser NSEO (Non-Sauron-Evil-Organization)" in your name" (Good gods, my Tolkien-ness is directly proportional to my ferocity!!!)))) makes a gesture which, to me, sounds like "Hey fools, because I have money, I can buy an honorable position in history.

Now people will try hard to be really good, just in hope to get some money in my name...(sarcastic laughter, death (and the source of my nightmares has been detected!))"...and to award the nobel peace prize to the President of a country which is the only cause of the greatest depression since 1929 (IMHO), the only force behind the only three sizable wars which infected poor Earth's health, after WW-II, with stuff that the above mentioned dude (Nobel, for the more human beings) invented. Thats like the above mentioned troll giving an honorary degree in peace to the king of Nazgul!! How can I take THAT with silence??!!!
And above all of this, the masses of population which will be mostly effected by this climatic change, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, have NO say in any of the decision making going on on the global forum.
As sources, I suggest you read these documents:

  • This one talks specifically about Indus River and the effect of Global Warming on it.
  • This one I haven't read fully..but its pretty scary...too
These documents say, and other resources too...that in the next 90 or so years, the increase in temperature in Subcontinent is expected to be around 5 degrees....which in terms of LOTR means Anduin flooding Rohan, Lothlorien and Gondor for years and then leaving them as deserts....much scarier than Sauron blocking the Sunrays and effectively contributing more than the G-8 combined to help prevent what those G-8 are doing.

And imagine The Shire being consumed by these geo-politics, only this time there are no Gandalf's brave hobbits around to get the impossible feat done....this time, we're really screwed. And to top that, on Uncle Bilbo's birthday, Gandalf doesn't even try addressing these questions :(

Well, I'll leave it at that before I start swearing more frankly and address the moms and dads of Sauron, that Troll and Gondor too...(you get this, right?)

So, tell me people, what have you been up to during my this awfully long break???

more Peace,

P.S. United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, if abbreviated, becomes UNCHE...which, if pronounced in Urdu as UN-K-HE, means "the never-mentioned"...which is ironic because Google never mentioned it today!

P.P.S. I wrote this really stupid poem for Affawn and I wanted to share it with the rest of the Shire :)

You in home or you in LUMS?

Text me when this message comes

I miss you and I am bored

Like the ozone unAlGored

Haven't had a talk since long

Haven't played you stupid songs

Haven't showed you works and stuff

Haven't told you life is tuff

Haven't ever hugged, my fryend

Haven't written a poem to send

Haven't sent a "texty text"

Haven't been, in health, my best

Haven't had discussions nice:

Virtue best or best is vice?

Haven't stolen books from you

Haven't made you pay for DEW

Haven't had an argument

Ti's been long since curses sent

Red is red and pink is gay

Don't know how much more to say

May be I should post this not

coz it sounds like you are hot

Anyways, in view is bliss,

On earth sun is planting kiss!

Onomarith signing off

kuch to kar lay Khuda ka Khauf!!!!!

P.P.P.S. Call me gay or call me troll..I miss my friend that much....

P.P.P.P.S. I don't want to believe that String Theory is right...because that means an infinitude of Universes...and with an infinite universes available, there are some in which Sauron wins...and some in which he even gets his hands on Shire and hobbits!!! (nothing less that my scariest nightmare!!!)..so, I'm sorry LHC...

Apr 21, 2010

a deliberate exciting downday :PP

So, nothing interesting is up except the post Affawn posted for the sole purpose pf posting a post :P
Oh wait, there IS something really really cool up in the sky....clouds!!! AND IT RAINED ARRAYS AND LISTS!!!!
Other than that, my intention for posting this post is to point out to Affawn how boring his post really is. Affawn, your post is

                    |                             |   _______                 ______
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                    |                             |          |                 ' _
                    |________________ |          |                       - ____
                    |                             |          |                                   -  _
                    |                             |          |                                         _
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                    |                             |   ____|___              - ______ -

Butt, you know what is not boring?? The song I am listening to right now... Tree Hugger...from Juno

This song is about everything from desert to cactus to big ocean to love to offerings to loneliness :) This song and others from the same movie are what I think made this 10 Million dollars movie a tremendous success. Also the story is simple, the cast is simple (no godfathers here), the picture itself is so simple that ones just fall in love with it!! I've watched this movie for many many times now and still I enjoy it (just like the good old Lord of the Rings (How can I post a post without LOTRing around?!! :PP)) Another song that my little songbird just played is So nice, So smart {"""You're such a good friend I have to break your heart!!"""} These and many other songs like these make my playlist beautiful and worth playing (Yeah, landing wasn't that good :( )

In my playlist, this is the most played B J THOMAS song. But there are no rain drops in this video...only an old champ and a lady with a very appropriate dress which she is holding very inappropriately :PP

I'll leave it at that.

a random boring update

Just wanted to tell you that I won't be posting here till my final exams end, i.e. till the end of may. Finals are starting in the second week of May and will continue till the last week, so till then good bye. And I'm sorry for not posting what I mentioned to post a long way back.

For now, its raining here in Lahore.

Baarish, Khushboo, Junoon aur Hum......
Rain, Nostalgic scent, ecstacy and we!

Mar 3, 2010

Going back to the laws of (ex/dis)tinction

Being very much obsessed with things, questions, laws, answers, mathematics, programming, poetry and prose which do not make much sense, I am always in search of the aforementioned entities. (I sometimes wonder about the cost of raising a question in one's mind....is that process (if a process at all) of inquisitiveness a part of some metaphorical thermodynamic system?)
The inconclusive results are just another representation of AI explosion (My own term). If we can build a computer which can build a computer a little smarter than itself, in no time, computers will acquire more intelligence than humans (This is the Issac Asimov's version of this phenomenon, I believe...I read it off-line quiet some time ago, so can't remember the source now ). Then they will start producing movies more complicated than Matrix trilogy and asking questions more complicated than what and why is intelligence. Till then, intelligence is a measure of entropy. (Wait for my next post for more details.)


Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night;
God said "Let Newton be" and all was light.
--Alexander Pope
in reference to: Human intelligence - a luxury? | ZME Science (view on Google Sidewiki)

Feb 22, 2010

Waiting for the lab, I write

Waiting for the lab, I wrote
A novel, story, poem and got
An F in that and many labs

Now waiting for the lab, I write
A post on blogger, and I fight
An urge to log out of this poem

No trolls or hobbits, Orcs or rings
Or mighty eagles, worms, I fear
In eyes, no emo stuff brings tears

But ah, this python haunts my nights
And Java in the days doth stalks
Me, just a lamb in flocks of hawks :(

But seriously people...these two courses are KILLING me! My life (on Facebook, Google and Storywrite) as I knew it, I know no longer. I am still happy and all-excited about these courses...and to tell the truth, Python is not such a heap to search in (OR a hash table to append to). The problem is that I am going way too fast. There in the lecture, professor mentions hash function and I rush to Wikipedia. From there, the story goes like this: 

and I end up in an abyss of Modular Exponentiation, Modular Multiplication, Theory of Multicommodity Flow, Parallelization of Fast Fourier Transformation....and when I wake up, it's already full-past-lab with a big fat F :(

So, now that you know what I am doing these days, here is my latest poem (Technically, my latest poem is the start of this post...but lets leave this for Zeno, shall we? :D )

signing off,

Feb 17, 2010

The Romeo-Juliet Love Model

I'm sorry I couldn't write about the function-e-junoon that I talked about. I was, and still am, really busy regarding my academics. But by the end of this semester I will write, because now the Romeo-Juliet Love Model is in the problem set of Mathematical Biology. Here have a look at it. I'll post a solution when I'm done with it by its due to date. No need to make any extracurricular effort.
The first page of my Mathematical Biology Homework 2

Now I rest in peace. And by the way, this function is actually due to Steven Strogatz.

Feb 15, 2010

Alden Torres's blog

Alden Torres's blog
Got a chance to read some pages on this blog. Very impressive!
Recommended for geeks and CS majors!

Feb 10, 2010

Buzzing about Buzz and Pluto

Google launched Buzz. The rest is (or will be in time) history. Being a "die hard" fan of Google products, I am already loving it (though I do not have it). The idea behind Buzz is to overtake every other social networking site (including Twitter and Facebook) and in the end, to ensure that when Skynet is launched, Google is the platform and the intelligence behind it. But forgetting the (rather lame) joke for the time being, I feel like I am in cloud nine just by hearing about it. Google products are my life (almost all of it and almost all of them). Ispend most of my time online, on PC or on cell and currently I am using:
  1. Adsense
  2. Alerts
  3. App Engine
  4. Blogger
  5. Book Search (My Library)
  6. Calender
  7. Docs
  8. Gmail
  9. Friend Connect
  10. Translator Toolkit
  11. iGoogle
  12. News
  13. Notebook
  14. Orkut
  15. Picasa (online and offline)
  16. Reader
  17. Sites
  18. Subscribed Links
  19. Talk 
  20. Video
  21. Wave
  22. Web History
  23. YouTube
  24. Groups
And out of these, the only service I never liked was Orkut: The Google way of Socializing. But now, with the advent of Buzz, my wishes about adopting (and opting) the Google way of socializing have rejuvenated. I just hope that it is explosively better than Orkut.
Right now, I am sitting in front of my PC, refreshing my gmail page every few seconds with hope that I get it now. (Any Google official reading this post, please help!)

But things are not so thrilling (and hopeful) in the outer solar system, where Pluto has gone red (or scarlet, if anyone gets this joke :).

Scientists are saying that this might be due to the hydrogen atoms being pulled off from the planet's surface by the methane breakdown by the UV rays. And what makes it so mysterious is that during the last two years, Pluto's position w.r.t. sun has not changed enough so that we blame the latter for the former's symptoms. So, in my humble opinion it's just that Pluto might have received the news of (not so) recent cosmic-stereotyping now. And what will you do if your professor labels you a dumbass? Obviously you can't smack him in head (or may be YOU can?!), so you just stand there, all shameful and scarlet :)
But seriously, people...you should revert the decision of labeling Pluto a dwarf-planet before whole sky turns copper-red and blasts (as it is told about Doomsday).

With hopes of getting Buzz soon
and fears of Pluto walking-out of Solar System
and nightmares of Skynet NOT taking over the world,
Onomarith hits PUBLISH POST!

Feb 8, 2010

In the beginning, there was an open parenthesis...

(People with a distaste for indentation will find this post incredibly annoying (Or they might develop a taste for it (But in the end, to whom it may concern)))

Listening to: The Keystrokes by Random Dude next-door
Wishing for: A fairy to get here and install iTunes on my 28 hours infant Ubuntu
Mood: Like that of Frodo when he realized that it was Gollum who threw the lembas, not Sam :( FML

Spring semester 10 is already two weeks old. I had not much higher expectations of the courses I am taking this spring, the first two weeks turned out to be very interesting (though I am sleep-deprived (though it has nothing to do with the courses (though I don't care much about them anyways :) (What do you think I am? A Lisp interpreter??? (though I wish I was =] (Okay I am done with indentation )))))). I have enjoyed much in the four courses out of five I am taking. My addiction of indentation has been rejuvenated with the advent of new languages like Python in CS 202, Java in Advanced Programming and Lisp and PHP (though I am not sure if it is a PROPER language (though my definition of proper rotates around NFS Most Wanted and Facebook :) )) just for fun...or to waste the time I am left with after attending three lectures and one four-hour lab. (And I am particularly free now as Heat and Thermodynamics assignment deadline (this is quiet an interesting word to think about (even without any though in parenthesis)) has been extended till Friday (another word to think about) and so, now I have only one assignment due tomorrow (and I'm still halfway through it (noticed an "r" in though? LMAO! )) and a lab tomorrow which I have to prepare for) (You never know which indented subject I am talking about, do you?).

But anyways, the three days' grace is over, I have a new OS to make fun of (though I do not intend to (noticed the revised order of "indent" in "intend"! (though unintentional ))), I am busy with installing utilities on that OS to make myself feel I'M HOME (Hey, is there no way (I wonder) to install VLC offline on Ubuntu?) and I have to update my Facebook status.
Starting of semester was really nice. "EE majors got pawned" (in the words of Anique Rogers Tahir) in the very first lecture of Data Structures. "It is a safe bet" was what they suffered. But in the end, it was fun. Also, Heat and Thermodynamics had a not-so-dynamic start, but now the instructor is picking up pace and course is gaining some momentum and grace. And Advanced programming in Java is really getting access into my private life:
I lay awake, in bed
Am thinking still in Java
My knowledge, that of classes
My mood is that of lava

I had a quiz, I sucked at
But that is nothing new
What sucks is that of Java
I still have not a clue!

But wasting any time more on parenthesis might be catastrophic (for this blog, even). So, here are somethings interesting (to me at least).

A guy at bash.org observed well (maybe about me (though I am not sure)). Here is the link and here is the quote:
You seem (in my (humble) opinion (which doesn't mean much)) to be (or possibly could be) more of a Lisp programmer (but I could be (and probably am) wrong).

Also, reading about Lisp on Wikipedia, I came across (or into (I leave the interpretation for your (not so (though there is always a (little) probability of it happening)) smart mind)) an interesting poem from XKCD. It is a parody of one of Robert Frost's poems. Here is the link and here is the poem:

Some said the world should be in Perl,
Some said in Lisp.
Now, having given both a whirl,
I held with those who favored Perl.
But I fear we passed to men
A disappointing founding myth.
And should we write it all again,
I'd end it with
A close-paren.
 I think I should stop quoting others (and stop indenting (uselessly) unless it makes any sense (which (believe me or not) it does (to me at least :) ))). So, here is the end of this post"."

P.S. Greek philosopher Zeno would try to make things complicated by arguing that the end of my post is NOT that point which is enclosed in inverted commas, it is actually the last inverted comma, so that last inverted comma should be enclosed in inverted commas. But doing so would demolish Zeno's motive (not mine), as now the end of post is the last of the inverted commas which enclose the inverted commas...and this will continue till infinity. But I know how to handle Zenfinities (baseless, childish, greeky, not-so-freaky infinities which run like hell when they see me). So I will highlight (in red (a purely arbitrary choice)) the end of post. And it is : .

Also, my signature is NOT part of the post (though it sounds like it) and also, I don't want to sign it infinite times.

Jan 26, 2010

The Overload!

Spring 2010 is here! I'm taking a total of 20 credit hours, out of which only 3 are of biology! Isn't it enough for a biology major! Its enough for me at least!  The poor and single biology course is biochemistry, offered by Dr Shahid Khan.

The 20 credit hours, out of which 10 are from math department, will certainly make me busy. Might kill me O_O, atleast they would be affecting my blogging frequency. Its the second day of semester and I've already got two huge assignments to do, from Mathematical Biology and Mathematical Methods, both taught by Adnan Khan. I like his style of teaching, thats very lively, I hope at least this keeps my spirits high. The courses that I'm taking this semester are; Biochemistry(3), Physical Chemistry(3), Mathematical Biology(4), Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers(3), Organic Lab(1), Heat and Thermodynamics(3), and Linear Algebra(3). Of these I'm on waiting for mathematical methods, I hope I get enrolled finally.

I don't know exactly how busy I'll be, and when the next post will come, but whenever it comes, it'll be about one of these courses! See you till I do atleast one of my assignments!

Jan 22, 2010

A Box Stumbles...

(Originally published for The Box Move)

"Navigating through the world of science, the six of us, students at the LUMS School of Science and Engineering (SSE) decided to pen down what the study of Science represents to us in terms of Music, Art, Literature, Popular Culture, or just as a response to novelty. Watch this space as we put pieces together, make links, and break into the box move."

I am reading it again and again...making every neuron engage itself in a process called thought. my mind is terrified at the introduction I have been starring for so long...my soul sublimes to the state of meta-consciousness and seeks for a meaning in the introduction of this blog. I am betrayed by thoughts....thoughts which once resided the various chambers of my existence have abandoned this land...I am alone....alone to read the introduction and to seek a meaning in it. I am alone as Galileo was when he observed the heavenly part of our cosmos; I am alone as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart was when he first played a piece on Clavier (though he was 4 times younger then than my age now); I am alone as every pioneer has been...but I have a tragedy to tell: I am NO pioneer. I am the dust of a caravan which has long long ago travelled this road; I am the last drop of dew, residing on the withering petal of a rose, ready to be boiled by the first glance of sun; I am just a storyteller. And my soul, just a story. Or may I'm a mathematical function , or a logical fallacy, or a quantum dot, or a saint????

I am a pagan, my Deity being Mathematics, and I dare not touch it. And my cult, the cult of Socrates. I read poetry to break away from the hums of neurons in my brain; I dance in the rain to abstain from solving Schrodinger's equation over and over again; I walk aimlessly to avoid reading random articles in Life Sciences... I can not lose my being to science, I can not let my identity fade and I can not leave my self unheard, all at the same time.
To quote Sir Edward Dyer, My mind to me a kingdom is....

And Science, my "rival" deity! I so much want to touch it, but I cannot. I so much want to want to violate its personal space, yet I cannot! But I can try doing that! And that's what I'm doing! And Science is taking its revenge. It charms, and lures, and whispers, and comes in dreams to haunt. But I'm on the move, a day will come, when I will mark my theories and formulas and in her high temple.

I wonder at the number six. Has this not been violated already? The moment I tapped a key at my key board, this very principle was shattered to pieces... Somehow, the autobiography of science is full of such accounts; breaking the barriers created by forefathers (Or fore-Sciences, for that matter) has been the favorite hobby of all natural sciences. And I also desire to do the same. I desire not to talk about art, music, literature, rain, sun, moon and every thing that has been talked about. So, it is out of this desire that I leave my post incomplete. Welcome to THE BOX MOVE, young being (I fancy aliens also read my blog posts)

Muhammad Affawn

Jan 14, 2010

Out of chaos

For the love of LORD, read this!!!
My pen I wield and start to write (Onomarith)

What should I write, what should be left?
What I should never talk about?
What can be never left from posts?
What if I write of freaky ghosts?
What if I write of Pi and e?
What if this post just cease to be?

Oops! I just can't resist myself. I can't help it when I start;I plant no resistance; I put no end. And to tell the truth, I am reading too much poetry to abstain myself for long from writing it. These vacations are eating me up! I read LOTR first, The Picture Of Dorian Gray second and some parts of Keats' Endymion later; Now I have a heap of poetry books around me IN my bed and am reading Ulysses (Reference: See footnote i), thanks to Abdullah Khalid Siddiqui (I will add his Google profile link as soon as I have it).And to make the matters worse, I have this poetry contest to judge (Last time I visited, it had more than 80 entries O_O ), I am participating in this contest and am doing so many more things in poetry these days that I can't even concentrate on Facebook!!!! (My peers know what this means :). Talking about poetry, I revisited Wordsworth in train when I was coming back home and found his a little more modern than I previously thought he was; needless to say that this means almost nothing to my only three readers (potential (how much I despise MIT Admissions blog! (I think I should not further indent my writing, 3 dimensions are enough for non Naqvis in SSE :)))
But as for what is new in my life (again, not to mention how much I despise MIT... but check this, will you?), I am glad to tell that nothing more than the LITTLE discovery that my humble cell phone supports MS Office WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT and simple notepad and PDF!!!!!! The thrilling part is that even when KESC suggests I stop reading poetry, I just don't!!!!!!!!!!
Another very very minor update is that I hate the new face of my Facebook profile *evil*. I can't stalk as I used to because it removed all the filters I had (default or created) like all status updates, all links posted, all other new stalkers. Suggestions are becoming creepier and creepier day by day (PROOF). Every charm Facebook had is diminishing, every second I spend there, I feel my privacy violated, my status updated, my very own home page changed in the name of updating and it feels like I am Frodo, in the cracks of Mount Doom and I have lost the One Ring to Gollum!!!! (God!!!! There is nothing better than LOTR to blog about :D ). But slowly that madness fades, leaving repose (link I am referring ) and I find myself dreaming about stuff I will talk about later. Right now, I have to do some reading for the contest I mentioned I am to judge, so talk-to-my-self-later :D
~Aarsalankhalid or as I refer to myself in my writing and has chosen my nom de plum,
i. Abdullah Khalid Siddiqui asked in his status (or wondered in his status, to be precise) if anyone had read Ulysses. I responded that I have, upon which he congratulated me and I praised it. Then he somehow mutated his initial opinion and demanded back his congratulations (I still haven't returned him that :D ). This made me revisit Ulysses at Wikibooks which got complicated and finally settled when I made a PDF which I then downloaded in my cell :D

P.S. Forgive me for giving so many links, I am a little bit over-obsessed with Wikipedia and have thus been rendered a citation and external links freak!