Mar 3, 2010

Going back to the laws of (ex/dis)tinction

Being very much obsessed with things, questions, laws, answers, mathematics, programming, poetry and prose which do not make much sense, I am always in search of the aforementioned entities. (I sometimes wonder about the cost of raising a question in one's that process (if a process at all) of inquisitiveness a part of some metaphorical thermodynamic system?)
The inconclusive results are just another representation of AI explosion (My own term). If we can build a computer which can build a computer a little smarter than itself, in no time, computers will acquire more intelligence than humans (This is the Issac Asimov's version of this phenomenon, I believe...I read it off-line quiet some time ago, so can't remember the source now ). Then they will start producing movies more complicated than Matrix trilogy and asking questions more complicated than what and why is intelligence. Till then, intelligence is a measure of entropy. (Wait for my next post for more details.)


Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night;
God said "Let Newton be" and all was light.
--Alexander Pope
in reference to: Human intelligence - a luxury? | ZME Science (view on Google Sidewiki)

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