Feb 10, 2010

Buzzing about Buzz and Pluto

Google launched Buzz. The rest is (or will be in time) history. Being a "die hard" fan of Google products, I am already loving it (though I do not have it). The idea behind Buzz is to overtake every other social networking site (including Twitter and Facebook) and in the end, to ensure that when Skynet is launched, Google is the platform and the intelligence behind it. But forgetting the (rather lame) joke for the time being, I feel like I am in cloud nine just by hearing about it. Google products are my life (almost all of it and almost all of them). Ispend most of my time online, on PC or on cell and currently I am using:
  1. Adsense
  2. Alerts
  3. App Engine
  4. Blogger
  5. Book Search (My Library)
  6. Calender
  7. Docs
  8. Gmail
  9. Friend Connect
  10. Translator Toolkit
  11. iGoogle
  12. News
  13. Notebook
  14. Orkut
  15. Picasa (online and offline)
  16. Reader
  17. Sites
  18. Subscribed Links
  19. Talk 
  20. Video
  21. Wave
  22. Web History
  23. YouTube
  24. Groups
And out of these, the only service I never liked was Orkut: The Google way of Socializing. But now, with the advent of Buzz, my wishes about adopting (and opting) the Google way of socializing have rejuvenated. I just hope that it is explosively better than Orkut.
Right now, I am sitting in front of my PC, refreshing my gmail page every few seconds with hope that I get it now. (Any Google official reading this post, please help!)

But things are not so thrilling (and hopeful) in the outer solar system, where Pluto has gone red (or scarlet, if anyone gets this joke :).

Scientists are saying that this might be due to the hydrogen atoms being pulled off from the planet's surface by the methane breakdown by the UV rays. And what makes it so mysterious is that during the last two years, Pluto's position w.r.t. sun has not changed enough so that we blame the latter for the former's symptoms. So, in my humble opinion it's just that Pluto might have received the news of (not so) recent cosmic-stereotyping now. And what will you do if your professor labels you a dumbass? Obviously you can't smack him in head (or may be YOU can?!), so you just stand there, all shameful and scarlet :)
But seriously, people...you should revert the decision of labeling Pluto a dwarf-planet before whole sky turns copper-red and blasts (as it is told about Doomsday).

With hopes of getting Buzz soon
and fears of Pluto walking-out of Solar System
and nightmares of Skynet NOT taking over the world,
Onomarith hits PUBLISH POST!


  1. I'm using Google Buzz but it is not-so-great in my opinion.

  2. Its not special. I've stopped using it. And that was the reason for the shit in todays heat and thermodynamics lecture, when I talked to Safdar.

  3. Oh come on, people!
    I have met 13 new and very awesome programmers due to Buzz as of now. I think that you think its not so great because you don't use it properly. It is sort of a real-time socializing app, and a very impressive one at that.
    Just remember that it's still in infancy....so, handle with care :)
