Feb 8, 2010

In the beginning, there was an open parenthesis...

(People with a distaste for indentation will find this post incredibly annoying (Or they might develop a taste for it (But in the end, to whom it may concern)))

Listening to: The Keystrokes by Random Dude next-door
Wishing for: A fairy to get here and install iTunes on my 28 hours infant Ubuntu
Mood: Like that of Frodo when he realized that it was Gollum who threw the lembas, not Sam :( FML

Spring semester 10 is already two weeks old. I had not much higher expectations of the courses I am taking this spring, the first two weeks turned out to be very interesting (though I am sleep-deprived (though it has nothing to do with the courses (though I don't care much about them anyways :) (What do you think I am? A Lisp interpreter??? (though I wish I was =] (Okay I am done with indentation )))))). I have enjoyed much in the four courses out of five I am taking. My addiction of indentation has been rejuvenated with the advent of new languages like Python in CS 202, Java in Advanced Programming and Lisp and PHP (though I am not sure if it is a PROPER language (though my definition of proper rotates around NFS Most Wanted and Facebook :) )) just for fun...or to waste the time I am left with after attending three lectures and one four-hour lab. (And I am particularly free now as Heat and Thermodynamics assignment deadline (this is quiet an interesting word to think about (even without any though in parenthesis)) has been extended till Friday (another word to think about) and so, now I have only one assignment due tomorrow (and I'm still halfway through it (noticed an "r" in though? LMAO! )) and a lab tomorrow which I have to prepare for) (You never know which indented subject I am talking about, do you?).

But anyways, the three days' grace is over, I have a new OS to make fun of (though I do not intend to (noticed the revised order of "indent" in "intend"! (though unintentional ))), I am busy with installing utilities on that OS to make myself feel I'M HOME (Hey, is there no way (I wonder) to install VLC offline on Ubuntu?) and I have to update my Facebook status.
Starting of semester was really nice. "EE majors got pawned" (in the words of Anique Rogers Tahir) in the very first lecture of Data Structures. "It is a safe bet" was what they suffered. But in the end, it was fun. Also, Heat and Thermodynamics had a not-so-dynamic start, but now the instructor is picking up pace and course is gaining some momentum and grace. And Advanced programming in Java is really getting access into my private life:
I lay awake, in bed
Am thinking still in Java
My knowledge, that of classes
My mood is that of lava

I had a quiz, I sucked at
But that is nothing new
What sucks is that of Java
I still have not a clue!

But wasting any time more on parenthesis might be catastrophic (for this blog, even). So, here are somethings interesting (to me at least).

A guy at bash.org observed well (maybe about me (though I am not sure)). Here is the link and here is the quote:
You seem (in my (humble) opinion (which doesn't mean much)) to be (or possibly could be) more of a Lisp programmer (but I could be (and probably am) wrong).

Also, reading about Lisp on Wikipedia, I came across (or into (I leave the interpretation for your (not so (though there is always a (little) probability of it happening)) smart mind)) an interesting poem from XKCD. It is a parody of one of Robert Frost's poems. Here is the link and here is the poem:

Some said the world should be in Perl,
Some said in Lisp.
Now, having given both a whirl,
I held with those who favored Perl.
But I fear we passed to men
A disappointing founding myth.
And should we write it all again,
I'd end it with
A close-paren.
 I think I should stop quoting others (and stop indenting (uselessly) unless it makes any sense (which (believe me or not) it does (to me at least :) ))). So, here is the end of this post"."

P.S. Greek philosopher Zeno would try to make things complicated by arguing that the end of my post is NOT that point which is enclosed in inverted commas, it is actually the last inverted comma, so that last inverted comma should be enclosed in inverted commas. But doing so would demolish Zeno's motive (not mine), as now the end of post is the last of the inverted commas which enclose the inverted commas...and this will continue till infinity. But I know how to handle Zenfinities (baseless, childish, greeky, not-so-freaky infinities which run like hell when they see me). So I will highlight (in red (a purely arbitrary choice)) the end of post. And it is : .

Also, my signature is NOT part of the post (though it sounds like it) and also, I don't want to sign it infinite times.


  1. Arsalan, I just love it. Awesome. I wonder how do you get these ideas, and where do you get them from, (reference to Ghalib's verse, got it? (the one which is pretty abstract(comm'on get it))).

    Brilliant, brilliant, and it ain't hollow praise, you know it. Keep writing.......

  2. And,
    BTW which course were you talking about, I have mathematical methods assignments due today, but you aren't enrolled in that, so which is it?

  3. thnx for the flattering (and yet highly inappropriate) comment.
    I was talking about Digital Logic Circuits...but now I am relieved to tell (and know (because the former implies the truth of other (though the transverse is not true))) that it's "deadline" has been extended till friday :)
