Jan 26, 2010

The Overload!

Spring 2010 is here! I'm taking a total of 20 credit hours, out of which only 3 are of biology! Isn't it enough for a biology major! Its enough for me at least!  The poor and single biology course is biochemistry, offered by Dr Shahid Khan.

The 20 credit hours, out of which 10 are from math department, will certainly make me busy. Might kill me O_O, atleast they would be affecting my blogging frequency. Its the second day of semester and I've already got two huge assignments to do, from Mathematical Biology and Mathematical Methods, both taught by Adnan Khan. I like his style of teaching, thats very lively, I hope at least this keeps my spirits high. The courses that I'm taking this semester are; Biochemistry(3), Physical Chemistry(3), Mathematical Biology(4), Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers(3), Organic Lab(1), Heat and Thermodynamics(3), and Linear Algebra(3). Of these I'm on waiting for mathematical methods, I hope I get enrolled finally.

I don't know exactly how busy I'll be, and when the next post will come, but whenever it comes, it'll be about one of these courses! See you till I do atleast one of my assignments!

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