Jan 26, 2010

The Overload!

Spring 2010 is here! I'm taking a total of 20 credit hours, out of which only 3 are of biology! Isn't it enough for a biology major! Its enough for me at least!  The poor and single biology course is biochemistry, offered by Dr Shahid Khan.

The 20 credit hours, out of which 10 are from math department, will certainly make me busy. Might kill me O_O, atleast they would be affecting my blogging frequency. Its the second day of semester and I've already got two huge assignments to do, from Mathematical Biology and Mathematical Methods, both taught by Adnan Khan. I like his style of teaching, thats very lively, I hope at least this keeps my spirits high. The courses that I'm taking this semester are; Biochemistry(3), Physical Chemistry(3), Mathematical Biology(4), Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers(3), Organic Lab(1), Heat and Thermodynamics(3), and Linear Algebra(3). Of these I'm on waiting for mathematical methods, I hope I get enrolled finally.

I don't know exactly how busy I'll be, and when the next post will come, but whenever it comes, it'll be about one of these courses! See you till I do atleast one of my assignments!

Jan 22, 2010

A Box Stumbles...

(Originally published for The Box Move)

"Navigating through the world of science, the six of us, students at the LUMS School of Science and Engineering (SSE) decided to pen down what the study of Science represents to us in terms of Music, Art, Literature, Popular Culture, or just as a response to novelty. Watch this space as we put pieces together, make links, and break into the box move."

I am reading it again and again...making every neuron engage itself in a process called thought. my mind is terrified at the introduction I have been starring for so long...my soul sublimes to the state of meta-consciousness and seeks for a meaning in the introduction of this blog. I am betrayed by thoughts....thoughts which once resided the various chambers of my existence have abandoned this land...I am alone....alone to read the introduction and to seek a meaning in it. I am alone as Galileo was when he observed the heavenly part of our cosmos; I am alone as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart was when he first played a piece on Clavier (though he was 4 times younger then than my age now); I am alone as every pioneer has been...but I have a tragedy to tell: I am NO pioneer. I am the dust of a caravan which has long long ago travelled this road; I am the last drop of dew, residing on the withering petal of a rose, ready to be boiled by the first glance of sun; I am just a storyteller. And my soul, just a story. Or may I'm a mathematical function , or a logical fallacy, or a quantum dot, or a saint????

I am a pagan, my Deity being Mathematics, and I dare not touch it. And my cult, the cult of Socrates. I read poetry to break away from the hums of neurons in my brain; I dance in the rain to abstain from solving Schrodinger's equation over and over again; I walk aimlessly to avoid reading random articles in Life Sciences... I can not lose my being to science, I can not let my identity fade and I can not leave my self unheard, all at the same time.
To quote Sir Edward Dyer, My mind to me a kingdom is....

And Science, my "rival" deity! I so much want to touch it, but I cannot. I so much want to want to violate its personal space, yet I cannot! But I can try doing that! And that's what I'm doing! And Science is taking its revenge. It charms, and lures, and whispers, and comes in dreams to haunt. But I'm on the move, a day will come, when I will mark my theories and formulas and in her high temple.

I wonder at the number six. Has this not been violated already? The moment I tapped a key at my key board, this very principle was shattered to pieces... Somehow, the autobiography of science is full of such accounts; breaking the barriers created by forefathers (Or fore-Sciences, for that matter) has been the favorite hobby of all natural sciences. And I also desire to do the same. I desire not to talk about art, music, literature, rain, sun, moon and every thing that has been talked about. So, it is out of this desire that I leave my post incomplete. Welcome to THE BOX MOVE, young being (I fancy aliens also read my blog posts)

Muhammad Affawn

Jan 14, 2010

Out of chaos

For the love of LORD, read this!!!
My pen I wield and start to write (Onomarith)

What should I write, what should be left?
What I should never talk about?
What can be never left from posts?
What if I write of freaky ghosts?
What if I write of Pi and e?
What if this post just cease to be?

Oops! I just can't resist myself. I can't help it when I start;I plant no resistance; I put no end. And to tell the truth, I am reading too much poetry to abstain myself for long from writing it. These vacations are eating me up! I read LOTR first, The Picture Of Dorian Gray second and some parts of Keats' Endymion later; Now I have a heap of poetry books around me IN my bed and am reading Ulysses (Reference: See footnote i), thanks to Abdullah Khalid Siddiqui (I will add his Google profile link as soon as I have it).And to make the matters worse, I have this poetry contest to judge (Last time I visited, it had more than 80 entries O_O ), I am participating in this contest and am doing so many more things in poetry these days that I can't even concentrate on Facebook!!!! (My peers know what this means :). Talking about poetry, I revisited Wordsworth in train when I was coming back home and found his a little more modern than I previously thought he was; needless to say that this means almost nothing to my only three readers (potential (how much I despise MIT Admissions blog! (I think I should not further indent my writing, 3 dimensions are enough for non Naqvis in SSE :)))
But as for what is new in my life (again, not to mention how much I despise MIT... but check this, will you?), I am glad to tell that nothing more than the LITTLE discovery that my humble cell phone supports MS Office WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT and simple notepad and PDF!!!!!! The thrilling part is that even when KESC suggests I stop reading poetry, I just don't!!!!!!!!!!
Another very very minor update is that I hate the new face of my Facebook profile *evil*. I can't stalk as I used to because it removed all the filters I had (default or created) like all status updates, all links posted, all other new stalkers. Suggestions are becoming creepier and creepier day by day (PROOF). Every charm Facebook had is diminishing, every second I spend there, I feel my privacy violated, my status updated, my very own home page changed in the name of updating and it feels like I am Frodo, in the cracks of Mount Doom and I have lost the One Ring to Gollum!!!! (God!!!! There is nothing better than LOTR to blog about :D ). But slowly that madness fades, leaving repose (link I am referring ) and I find myself dreaming about stuff I will talk about later. Right now, I have to do some reading for the contest I mentioned I am to judge, so talk-to-my-self-later :D
~Aarsalankhalid or as I refer to myself in my writing and has chosen my nom de plum,
i. Abdullah Khalid Siddiqui asked in his status (or wondered in his status, to be precise) if anyone had read Ulysses. I responded that I have, upon which he congratulated me and I praised it. Then he somehow mutated his initial opinion and demanded back his congratulations (I still haven't returned him that :D ). This made me revisit Ulysses at Wikibooks which got complicated and finally settled when I made a PDF which I then downloaded in my cell :D

P.S. Forgive me for giving so many links, I am a little bit over-obsessed with Wikipedia and have thus been rendered a citation and external links freak!