Dec 30, 2009

The Belated post: The EE241 Lab Projects.

This post was meant to be posted two weeks ago, but due to procrastination, exams and unexpected cicumstances, I wan unable to do that, my apologies.

So here we are, with the ravishing awesomeness of SSE. The pure and absolute SSE Spirit (this is not some sort of hypothetical ramblings, this exists!) is here. Just have a look at the creative, and some not-so-creative but at the same time infinitely(apologies to mathematicians) cute projects. Oh yeah, have a look.

Hassan Bukhari with his EEG Project, declared one of the Awesomes

Ultrasound distance-sensing, this is a toycar. By Aneeq and Co.

Umer, yuo'll know him soon, checking the FM transmission from Junaid(whom you might never know)'s radio. Yeah, he built his own FM radio!!!

Aleena and friends' Schmidt Trigger, which I never understood despite thier explanaing for half an hour. Sorry!

"Hazrat" Usama, the pious, explaining me his project. His was also declared as one of the best.

Mehr, Ali Raza's Project. Check out the video of the DC*ed Ali to know what he, along with the X-factor.
*DC is discplinary committee. And I don't agree to their decision in Abdullah and Ali's case.

This is a project by the eternally-cursed-by-the-hostelites PDC (Lumintes will get it).

Ali Raza's Interview

Sabieh Anwar's Interview

You can read a similar post here.

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