Apr 21, 2010

a deliberate exciting downday :PP

So, nothing interesting is up except the post Affawn posted for the sole purpose pf posting a post :P
Oh wait, there IS something really really cool up in the sky....clouds!!! AND IT RAINED ARRAYS AND LISTS!!!!
Other than that, my intention for posting this post is to point out to Affawn how boring his post really is. Affawn, your post is

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Butt, you know what is not boring?? The song I am listening to right now... Tree Hugger...from Juno

This song is about everything from desert to cactus to big ocean to love to offerings to loneliness :) This song and others from the same movie are what I think made this 10 Million dollars movie a tremendous success. Also the story is simple, the cast is simple (no godfathers here), the picture itself is so simple that ones just fall in love with it!! I've watched this movie for many many times now and still I enjoy it (just like the good old Lord of the Rings (How can I post a post without LOTRing around?!! :PP)) Another song that my little songbird just played is So nice, So smart {"""You're such a good friend I have to break your heart!!"""} These and many other songs like these make my playlist beautiful and worth playing (Yeah, landing wasn't that good :( )

In my playlist, this is the most played B J THOMAS song. But there are no rain drops in this video...only an old champ and a lady with a very appropriate dress which she is holding very inappropriately :PP

I'll leave it at that.

a random boring update

Just wanted to tell you that I won't be posting here till my final exams end, i.e. till the end of may. Finals are starting in the second week of May and will continue till the last week, so till then good bye. And I'm sorry for not posting what I mentioned to post a long way back.

For now, its raining here in Lahore.

Baarish, Khushboo, Junoon aur Hum......
Rain, Nostalgic scent, ecstacy and we!